高中英语试题1.When everybody was ,the ship sailed.A.in addition B.across the board C.on board D.go by the board.2.In no countyBritain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.A.other than B.anything but C.more than D.rather than3.I like ma


1.When everybody was _____ ,the ship sailed.
A.in addition B.across the board C.on board D.go by the board.
2.In no county_____Britain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.
A.other than B.anything but C.more than D.rather than
3.I like maths _____English.
A.in addition B.in addition to C.except D.but
4.Nowadays,people in the city enjoy a____of musical life.
A.debate B.bargain C.defeat D.defence
1.C on board "在船(车或飞机)上".该句意为“当每个人都上船了,船就起航了”.
2.A other than “ 除了”=but/except,该句意为:“除了英国,没有哪个国家可以在一天内经历四个季节”.另见例句There's nobody here other than me.这儿除了我没有别人.more than "比.多,不仅仅"
rather than“而不是...”
3.B in addition to “除...之外(还)”=besides,该句意为“除了英语外,我还喜欢数学”.另见例句In addition to French,he has to study Japanese.
4.B bargain n.廉价货 该句意为“现在,城市的人享受到很实惠的音乐生活”.
1.C on board "在船(车或飞机)上".该句意为“当每个人都上船了,船就起航了”.
2.A other than “ 除了”=but/except,该句意为:“除了英国,没有哪个国家可以在一天内经历四个季节”.另见例句There's nobody here other than me.这儿除了我没有别人.more than "比.多,不仅仅"
rather than“而不是...”
3.B in addition to “除...之外(还)”=besides,该句意为“除了英语外,我还喜欢数学”.另见例句In addition to French,he has to study Japanese.
4.B bargain n.廉价货 该句意为“现在,城市的人享受到很实惠的音乐生活”.