

(1) 他把书接过来摆在膝盖上.
He took the book and laid it on his lap.
(2) 这个军官放下杯子站了起来.
The officer put down his glass and stood up.
(1) 她打开抽屉拿出词典来.
Opening the drawer she took out a dictionary.
(2) 他到了车站发现火车已经开走了.
Arriving at the station,he found that the train had left.
(3) 他备好了课开始写日记.
Having prepared his lessons,he began to write up his diary.
(1) 那老汉下意识地举起手来搔他那光秃秃的头顶.
The old man involuntarily raised his hand to scratch his bald head.
(2) 去年我和弟弟回乡去看朋友.
Last year I went home with my brother to visit my friends.
(3) 早在1938年他就去延安学习.
As early as in 1938 he went to Yenan to study.
(4) 他到班长那儿请了个假.
He went to the squad leader to ask for leave.
(1) 她回房间去取钥匙.
She went back to her room for the key.
(2) 这年头,谁敢下乡去收租米?
Who dares go down into the villages for rent these days?
(1) 他们热烈鼓掌 欢迎日本来宾.
They welcomed the Japanese guests with warm applause.
(2) 不久,他捧着那本书回来了.
Very soon he came back,holding that book in his hand.
(3) 她已经洗完了衣服,坐在小溪边的石头上撩起布衫擦脸上的汗.
She had already finished washing.Seated on a stone beside the stream,she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic.
(1) 她站在门口笑.
She stood at the door,grinning.
如果译成“She grinned standing at the door.” 就不合习惯了.
(2) 人民起来 反抗压迫.
The people rose against oppression.
(3) 我们应当起来 捍卫真理.
We should come forward in defence of truth.
以上(2),(3)两例中,against 和rose搭配,in defence of 和come forward搭配,就符合英语习惯.
(1) 他把书接过来摆在膝盖上.
He took the book and laid it on his lap.
(2) 这个军官放下杯子站了起来.
The officer put down his glass and stood up.
(1) 她打开抽屉拿出词典来.
Opening the drawer she took out a dictionary.
(2) 他到了车站发现火车已经开走了.
Arriving at the station,he found that the train had left.
(3) 他备好了课开始写日记.
Having prepared his lessons,he began to write up his diary.
(1) 那老汉下意识地举起手来搔他那光秃秃的头顶.
The old man involuntarily raised his hand to scratch his bald head.
(2) 去年我和弟弟回乡去看朋友.
Last year I went home with my brother to visit my friends.
(3) 早在1938年他就去延安学习.
As early as in 1938 he went to Yenan to study.
(4) 他到班长那儿请了个假.
He went to the squad leader to ask for leave.
(1) 她回房间去取钥匙.
She went back to her room for the key.
(2) 这年头,谁敢下乡去收租米?
Who dares go down into the villages for rent these days?
(1) 他们热烈鼓掌 欢迎日本来宾.
They welcomed the Japanese guests with warm applause.
(2) 不久,他捧着那本书回来了.
Very soon he came back,holding that book in his hand.
(3) 她已经洗完了衣服,坐在小溪边的石头上撩起布衫擦脸上的汗.
She had already finished washing.Seated on a stone beside the stream,she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic.
(1) 她站在门口笑.
She stood at the door,grinning.
如果译成“She grinned standing at the door.” 就不合习惯了.
(2) 人民起来 反抗压迫.
The people rose against oppression.
(3) 我们应当起来 捍卫真理.
We should come forward in defence of truth.
以上(2),(3)两例中,against 和rose搭配,in defence of 和come forward搭配,就符合英语习惯.
相关标签: 汉译英 短语 左右 例子