求一个关于something you lost 的两分钟演讲稿要有what you lost?when and where you lost it?explain what you feel after you lost it .急用


求一个关于something you lost 的两分钟演讲稿
要有what you lost?when and where you lost it?explain what you feel after you lost it .急用
how i lost my friends
I have been getting more and more frustrated everyday waking up knowing I have no friends.It wasn't always like this.I still remember elementary school and how awesome and accepting everyone was back then.I miss my elementary school days because the world still had some mystery left in it.I had plenty of friends,school was actually fun,and I didn't have to worry about jobs or money.During that time period I met one of the two people I considered one of my best friends.Going to different middle schools ruined that friendship however.Speaking of middle school,that is where everything turned to crap for me.I was no longer popular like I was in elementary school and everyone became a lot less accepting.I met two people there that became my friends.Unfortunately they liked to hangout with each other more than me.I was always the third wheel.One of them ditched me when he started to hangout with a group of people I rather disliked.The other stopped sitting with me at lunch.The coward simply left to sit with some others without so much as a word to me.I still don't understand why.I was always nice to them and always invited them over.The one good thing about 6th grade was meeting probably the best friend I have ever had.We liked the same things such as video games and movies.An interesting thing about him was that he was actually quite popular at school but he chose to hangout with me.He screwed me though by starting to invite other friends over when I was at his house.Really made me angry.What,I'm not good enough to hold your attention?He soon picked up drug habits from these so called friends of his and officially ditched me.By junior year of high school I was sitting by myself at lunch like a loser.In fact,I didn't even have one friend to walk with at high school graduation.The principal actually had to "assign" someone who had just moved to my town to walk with me.I am now 20 and haven't made a single new friend yet.This is really depressing to actually type the story of how far I have fallen.I just don't understand,I'm not ugly,don't do drugs,wear nice clothes,ect.I just DON'T talk to anyone.Sorry for the long story,anyone else have a similar one?
how i lost my friends
I have been getting more and more frustrated everyday waking up knowing I have no friends.It wasn't always like this.I still remember elementary school and how awesome and accepting everyone was back then.I miss my elementary school days because the world still had some mystery left in it.I had plenty of friends,school was actually fun,and I didn't have to worry about jobs or money.During that time period I met one of the two people I considered one of my best friends.Going to different middle schools ruined that friendship however.Speaking of middle school,that is where everything turned to crap for me.I was no longer popular like I was in elementary school and everyone became a lot less accepting.I met two people there that became my friends.Unfortunately they liked to hangout with each other more than me.I was always the third wheel.One of them ditched me when he started to hangout with a group of people I rather disliked.The other stopped sitting with me at lunch.The coward simply left to sit with some others without so much as a word to me.I still don't understand why.I was always nice to them and always invited them over.The one good thing about 6th grade was meeting probably the best friend I have ever had.We liked the same things such as video games and movies.An interesting thing about him was that he was actually quite popular at school but he chose to hangout with me.He screwed me though by starting to invite other friends over when I was at his house.Really made me angry.What,I'm not good enough to hold your attention?He soon picked up drug habits from these so called friends of his and officially ditched me.By junior year of high school I was sitting by myself at lunch like a loser.In fact,I didn't even have one friend to walk with at high school graduation.The principal actually had to "assign" someone who had just moved to my town to walk with me.I am now 20 and haven't made a single new friend yet.This is really depressing to actually type the story of how far I have fallen.I just don't understand,I'm not ugly,don't do drugs,wear nice clothes,ect.I just DON'T talk to anyone.Sorry for the long story,anyone else have a similar one?