怎样学好英语的英语作文。 要用到When did you begin to learn English 和 Why do you like English急需啊。 在线等! 悬赏多多。


怎样学好英语的英语作文。 要用到When did you begin to learn English 和 Why do you like English急需啊。 在线等! 悬赏多多。
首先 你最好根据自己的实际情况来谈 I started learning English since I....最好是有一个过渡 比如My English is poor at first. But after my English teacher's guiding. I soon fell in love with it. 下次你最好能多给我一点中文提示 和你自己的一点见解。我会尽我所能帮你。接下来就是我自己的建议。I used to have a lot of trouble when asked to write a composition. So I began to give myself some tasks about improving it. First , to have a large vocabulary of words I read lots of English articles.Then I will write those useful phrase or sentences down. Most important is to implant(运用)them into my composition.写的不多 你根据自己条件改 像:I will hand my composition to my teacher to help me improve. In my spare time I would .....还有什么要求你可以提出来。 首先 你最好根据自己的实际情况来谈 I started learning English since I....最好是有一个过渡 比如My English is poor at first. But after my English teacher's guiding. I soon fell in love with it. 下次你最好能多给我一点中文提示 和你自己的一点见解。我会尽我所能帮你。接下来就是我自己的建议。I used to have a lot of trouble when asked to write a composition. So I began to give myself some tasks about improving it. First , to have a large vocabulary of words I read lots of English articles.Then I will write those useful phrase or sentences down. Most important is to implant(运用)them into my composition.写的不多 你根据自己条件改 像:I will hand my composition to my teacher to help me improve. In my spare time I would .....还有什么要求你可以提出来。