求助英语达人写篇作文~~~题目为:My lovemap 就是描述一下你心目中理想男友的样子,比如外貌,身高,声音,家境,品格,心地,.请大虾们自由发挥,不要太离谱哈.150字左右即可,最好多用点高端的词汇和长句子,谢谢啦O(∩∩)O~


题目为:My lovemap
In my mind,my love should not be very handsome,which could make me insecure.He must be tall - not as tall as YaoMing,of course.I wish he is knowledgeable,and successes in his work - not one want a loser,I neither.He must love his families,and be tender when he is at home - you are the boss when in your business,but not at home.And the most significant is,he must love me.
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In my mind,my love should not be very handsome,which could make me insecure.He must be tall - not as tall as YaoMing,of course.I wish he is knowledgeable,and successes in his work - not one want a loser,I neither.He must love his families,and be tender when he is at home - you are the boss when in your business,but not at home.And the most significant is,he must love me.
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