雅思口语话题1、Do you feel stressed when you are busy?2、Do you like being busy?回答多几句话.3、when are you busy?4、Do you like to be busy in the future?


雅思口语话题1、Do you feel stressed when you are busy?2、Do you like being busy?回答多几句话.
3、when are you busy?4、Do you like to be busy in the future?
遇到3 这种问题,要做分类回答:例如1 work 2 study 然后再详细阐述.
比如study:1 long time 2 many subjects 3 whole load of homework 4 stess out
遇到第四题,就选择其一,进行详细阐述:eg-- i'd like to be busy in the future:because 1:i am a grown-up,i need to take more responsibility.2 out of habit 3 requirement of modern society
遇到3 这种问题,要做分类回答:例如1 work 2 study 然后再详细阐述.
比如study:1 long time 2 many subjects 3 whole load of homework 4 stess out
遇到第四题,就选择其一,进行详细阐述:eg-- i'd like to be busy in the future:because 1:i am a grown-up,i need to take more responsibility.2 out of habit 3 requirement of modern society