英语翻译压力缓解方法1.听音乐或唱歌听些轻音乐或唱唱歌可以分散注意力、舒缓情绪或者宣泄的作用2旅游或散散步 散步有助于平静内心.如果可以,去旅旅游也是个很好的减压方式,我们可以投身大自然中3.找朋友或亲人倾诉心理学实践表明,把自己遇到的压力、烦恼对别人说出来,有宣泄的作用.与别人交谈能让他们分担你的感受,让压力得到分散.发生心理压力后,一个人闷在心里或独自“受委屈”,对健康不利.家人和要好的朋友往往是最值得信赖的人,他们对你了解和熟悉,获得解决问题的建议和方法.4.少吃盐,多吃豆类和谷物就能使你的压力激素


2旅游或散散步 散步有助于平静内心.如果可以,去旅旅游也是个很好的减压方式,我们可以投身大自然中
8.把烦恼写出来 写日记和写博客是最好的疏泄方法之一.
9.做最喜欢做的事 比如看喜欢的书或电影,自己做做手工,下厨做自己爱吃的菜等等
Pressure relief method
1. Listen to music or sing
Listen to some light music or singing songs could be distracted, relieve the expression of emotion or role
2 tourism or for a walk for a walk help calm heart. If you can, to a tourism also is a very good way, reduced pressure we can in nature
3. Find friends or relatives talk
Psychology practice shows that the pressure of his own encounter, trouble, say to the other people out, have the function of the vent.
Talking with others can let them share your feelings, let the pressure to get scattered.
Happened after the psychological pressure, a person bottled inside or alone "be wronged", adverse to health.
Family and good friends is often the most reliable, they understand and know you, get Suggestions to solve the problem and methods.
4. Eat less salt, eat more beans and corn
Can make your stress hormone levels dropped 30%. Although doctors can't sure why can increase the hormone salt produce, but they think: "salt can alleviate from the adrenal glands of the most pressure secrete." In fact, from the perspective of nutrition, take every day, all kinds of fresh corn and beans, can reduce the pressure in the day you.
5. Rest
Research shows that, from your life, every day of retrospective take 30 minutes to rest, you mentally pressure will be reduced by 63%. In fact, 85% of the people are watching TV with interesting ways to relax and win over the pressure.
6. Exercise
Often exercise can reduce stress. Note the, should choose those who you think are interesting activities, to those who you feel very "bitter", a tedious exercise often play a less than the reduced pressure effect.
7. Change is bad way of thinking
The thoughts and feelings of the people with personal idea and about the philosophy of life. Analysing, if found these concepts resulted in a degree of the bad mood, give your life brought the pressure, there need to make some changes. To change the individual, the outlook on life, the attitude is sometimes very difficult, but, even if only make a difference, sometimes may receive unexpected reduced pressure effect!
The problem is not the problem, how to treat the problem is the question.
-ask the gaza
8. The trouble writing diary and write a blog is the best one of qi method.
9. Do like to do most of the things such as watching like a book or movie, oneself do manual, cook do what you love to eat food, etc
Pressure relief method
1. Listen to music or sing
Listen to some light music or singing songs could be distracted, relieve the expression of emotion or role
2 tourism or for a walk for a walk help calm heart. If you can, to a tourism also is a very good way, reduced pressure we can in nature
3. Find friends or relatives talk
Psychology practice shows that the pressure of his own encounter, trouble, say to the other people out, have the function of the vent.
Talking with others can let them share your feelings, let the pressure to get scattered.
Happened after the psychological pressure, a person bottled inside or alone "be wronged", adverse to health.
Family and good friends is often the most reliable, they understand and know you, get Suggestions to solve the problem and methods.
4. Eat less salt, eat more beans and corn
Can make your stress hormone levels dropped 30%. Although doctors can't sure why can increase the hormone salt produce, but they think: "salt can alleviate from the adrenal glands of the most pressure secrete." In fact, from the perspective of nutrition, take every day, all kinds of fresh corn and beans, can reduce the pressure in the day you.
5. Rest
Research shows that, from your life, every day of retrospective take 30 minutes to rest, you mentally pressure will be reduced by 63%. In fact, 85% of the people are watching TV with interesting ways to relax and win over the pressure.
6. Exercise
Often exercise can reduce stress. Note the, should choose those who you think are interesting activities, to those who you feel very "bitter", a tedious exercise often play a less than the reduced pressure effect.
7. Change is bad way of thinking
The thoughts and feelings of the people with personal idea and about the philosophy of life. Analysing, if found these concepts resulted in a degree of the bad mood, give your life brought the pressure, there need to make some changes. To change the individual, the outlook on life, the attitude is sometimes very difficult, but, even if only make a difference, sometimes may receive unexpected reduced pressure effect!
The problem is not the problem, how to treat the problem is the question.
-ask the gaza
8. The trouble writing diary and write a blog is the best one of qi method.
9. Do like to do most of the things such as watching like a book or movie, oneself do manual, cook do what you love to eat food, etc