英语情景对话要两个人对话...其中一个人诉苦最好是情感上的苦或者有“I'm very sad ..之类的是音频mp3


或者有“I'm very sad ..之类的
A:Hey,Richard,can you do me a favor?
B:What's it?
A:I've just experienced a break-up and I feel very sad now.
B:Oh,cheer up!That doesn't matter,it just gives you a new chance to get to know some better girls.
A:I still can't get her from my mind.
B:It's always very hard at first.How about going to a party with me tonight?There may be many good girls.
A:I don't feel like going but in order to get better quickly,I'd like yo.
B:Ok,let's meet 7 pm at the club.
A:That's a deal.
A:Hey,Richard,can you do me a favor?
B:What's it?
A:I've just experienced a break-up and I feel very sad now.
B:Oh,cheer up!That doesn't matter,it just gives you a new chance to get to know some better girls.
A:I still can't get her from my mind.
B:It's always very hard at first.How about going to a party with me tonight?There may be many good girls.
A:I don't feel like going but in order to get better quickly,I'd like yo.
B:Ok,let's meet 7 pm at the club.
A:That's a deal.
相关标签: 英语 情景 对话 两个 情感