

1.be afraid of 害怕某事 I’m afraid of walking alone in the darkness.
2.agree to do sth.同意做某事.I agree to help him work over the problem.
3.not…at all 一点也不 I do not like him at all.
4.one after another 一个接一个 Summer holiday is coming,children jump into the pool one after another.
5.at last 最终 he gives up his opinion at last.
6.at once 马上 He breaks his promise at once.
7.at the same time 同时 we cannot do housework and swimming at the same time.
8.at work 上班My mom is at work at the present.
9.be away from 远离 Hangzhou is 300km away from Ningbo.
10.go away 走开 She goes away to take the milk.
11.make the bed 整床 We should make the bed everyday after we get up.
12.do one’s best 尽力做.We should do our best to make our country much more beautiful.
13.be busy with 忙于 She is busy with her homework.
14.be busy doing sth 忙于 She is busy doing her homework.
15.by bus /car / plane 乘公交车/轿车/飞机 We always travel by bus/car/plane.
16.catch up with 跟上 We should work hard to catch up with the high pace of our society.
17.catch cold 感冒 I caught cold yesterday.
18.day after day 一天天 Our city becomes more and more beautiful day after day.
19.do some cleaning 做清洁工作 I usually do some cleaning on Sunday.
20.eat up / use up 吃光/用光 She eats up all the food.He uses up all the paper.
21.in the end 最后 He went down on his knee in the end.
22.fall ill 生病了 In spring,it is quite easy to fall ill.
23.on foot 走路 I go to school on foot.
24.make friends with sb.与某人做朋友 They make friends with each other.
25.in front of 在前面 In front of the man,there is a dog.
1.be afraid of 害怕某事 I’m afraid of walking alone in the darkness.
2.agree to do sth.同意做某事.I agree to help him work over the problem.
3.not…at all 一点也不 I do not like him at all.
4.one after another 一个接一个 Summer holiday is coming,children jump into the pool one after another.
5.at last 最终 he gives up his opinion at last.
6.at once 马上 He breaks his promise at once.
7.at the same time 同时 we cannot do housework and swimming at the same time.
8.at work 上班My mom is at work at the present.
9.be away from 远离 Hangzhou is 300km away from Ningbo.
10.go away 走开 She goes away to take the milk.
11.make the bed 整床 We should make the bed everyday after we get up.
12.do one’s best 尽力做.We should do our best to make our country much more beautiful.
13.be busy with 忙于 She is busy with her homework.
14.be busy doing sth 忙于 She is busy doing her homework.
15.by bus /car / plane 乘公交车/轿车/飞机 We always travel by bus/car/plane.
16.catch up with 跟上 We should work hard to catch up with the high pace of our society.
17.catch cold 感冒 I caught cold yesterday.
18.day after day 一天天 Our city becomes more and more beautiful day after day.
19.do some cleaning 做清洁工作 I usually do some cleaning on Sunday.
20.eat up / use up 吃光/用光 She eats up all the food.He uses up all the paper.
21.in the end 最后 He went down on his knee in the end.
22.fall ill 生病了 In spring,it is quite easy to fall ill.
23.on foot 走路 I go to school on foot.
24.make friends with sb.与某人做朋友 They make friends with each other.
25.in front of 在前面 In front of the man,there is a dog.
相关标签: 高中 重要 英语 短语