英语翻译很着急啊TOT如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸土地?如果你是一线阳光,你是否照亮了一分黑暗?如果你是一颗粮食,你是否哺育了有用的生命?如果你是一颗最小的螺丝钉,你是否永远坚守着你生活的岗位…… 每一次想起雷锋,就想起这一段话。有多少人在回首往事的时候,为自己碌碌无为而悔恨,为曾经虚度年华而悲哀。有多少人能像雷锋一样,永远的那么富有爱心,永远的那么真诚善良,永远像一颗小小的螺丝钉。今日的世界由于经济的高速发展表现出更为开阔的空间,然而,我们曾经火热的心灵却开始变得冷漠,有些本不该变的东西也在变:亲情


(不要那个翻译工具翻译出来的。有太多语法错误了。希望英语高手给翻译下 )
If you are a drop of moist,whether you are an inch of land?If you are a sunshine,whether you lit up a dark?If you are a food,whether you feed the useful life?If you are a minimum of screws,whether you will always adhere to the post with your life...Every remember lei feng,remembering the passage.How many people are reminiscing about the past,to his regret,liuliumowei to mourn for ever.How many people can like lei feng,forever,forever love so rich,so the sincerity docile forever like a tiny screws.The world today because of the high speed development of economy appears more open space,however,we have fervent soul has become indifferent,some of these things are not change:the cold floor,cohabitation affection,neighborhood meet:Sou friendship with convenient,with convenient,use pass.Each Once we have admired for decades,worship and learning model has been more and more people think a fool.
If you are a drop of moist,whether you are an inch of land?If you are a sunshine,whether you lit up a dark?If you are a food,whether you feed the useful life?If you are a minimum of screws,whether you will always adhere to the post with your life...Every remember lei feng,remembering the passage.How many people are reminiscing about the past,to his regret,liuliumowei to mourn for ever.How many people can like lei feng,forever,forever love so rich,so the sincerity docile forever like a tiny screws.The world today because of the high speed development of economy appears more open space,however,we have fervent soul has become indifferent,some of these things are not change:the cold floor,cohabitation affection,neighborhood meet:Sou friendship with convenient,with convenient,use pass.Each Once we have admired for decades,worship and learning model has been more and more people think a fool.