英语口语话题follow the fashionMany people like to follow the fashion.Do you think it's wise?What are the advantages and disadvantages of following the fashion?关于这个话题的题目写一段2-3分钟的口语论述的内容.谢谢……


英语口语话题follow the fashion
Many people like to follow the fashion.Do you think it's wise?What are the advantages and disadvantages of following the fashion?关于这个话题的题目写一段2-3分钟的口语论述的内容.谢谢……
well,first ,every coin has two sides.people follow the fashion is not a bad thing,but as a young man ,we just cannot simplely follow the fashion things.fashion things don't mean it is a good thing ,we should figure out that does that kind fashion thing worth to have or to do.if that kinds of fashion things is benefit for us somehow ,we can do it because if we don't try a thing ,we never know things. well,first ,every coin has two sides.people follow the fashion is not a bad thing,but as a young man ,we just cannot simplely follow the fashion things.fashion things don't mean it is a good thing ,we should figure out that does that kind fashion thing worth to have or to do.if that kinds of fashion things is benefit for us somehow ,we can do it because if we don't try a thing ,we never know things.