托福口语,求大神修改.1. Talk about a recent event orcelebration you went to. Do you think that everyone who went there had a goodtime?Well, recently, I attended farewelldinner party of high school. It was a very meaningful party for us because itmeant that we w


1. Talk about a recent event orcelebration you went to. Do you think that everyone who went there had a goodtime?
Well, recently, I attended farewelldinner party of high school. It was a very meaningful party for us because itmeant that we would leave each other for a long time. During the high schoolperiod, we participated in many activities such as basketball games, sportsmeeting and so on. We played together. We studied together. There are strongfriendships between us. We were not willing to leave. In the farewell dinnerparty, we sang songs and chatted something interesting which had happened inlast three years. It might be the most amazing and touching night for us. Allof us had a good time. It was an unforgettable memory.
2. 还有个题目, Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 现在的学生比以前的学生更努力?
首先,你自己先确定一个方向,要么是同意这个观点,要么是不同意这个观点,切忌同意此观点的同时又否定这一观点.比如,假设我们是同意这个观点.开头就要说明自己是同意这个观点的.接下来,就摆明原因:现在的学生面临更大的学习压力.接着从家里、学校以及升学等方面给学生所带来的压力进行论述.最后做一个总结就可以了 首先,你自己先确定一个方向,要么是同意这个观点,要么是不同意这个观点,切忌同意此观点的同时又否定这一观点.比如,假设我们是同意这个观点.开头就要说明自己是同意这个观点的.接下来,就摆明原因:现在的学生面临更大的学习压力.接着从家里、学校以及升学等方面给学生所带来的压力进行论述.最后做一个总结就可以了