求一篇英语作文 会写的进-0-.题目为how to make you self relaxed (怎样让自己放松) 仅限初二水平.作文题材:你的朋友正在读初二,面临生地会考,物理又是一门新的难课程。请你帮他提一些建议怎样放松


求一篇英语作文 会写的进-0-.题目为how to make you self relaxed (怎样让自己放松) 仅限初二水平.
Dear Li Lei
I know you are busy with you school work every day.There will be an important exam on biology and geogrophy soon.Besides,physics is one new subject.So you have to spend more time on your lesson and suffer from too much presure.In order to relax yourself,I think the best way is to take exercise.Why not spend an hour walking or jogging in the park.You can also play table tennis with your friends after class.Taking exercise can not only relax your brains and eyes but also help build your body.Besides,it's also good to listen to music when you are free.
Dear Li Lei
I know you are busy with you school work every day.There will be an important exam on biology and geogrophy soon.Besides,physics is one new subject.So you have to spend more time on your lesson and suffer from too much presure.In order to relax yourself,I think the best way is to take exercise.Why not spend an hour walking or jogging in the park.You can also play table tennis with your friends after class.Taking exercise can not only relax your brains and eyes but also help build your body.Besides,it's also good to listen to music when you are free.