初中英语词组1.与某人闲逛 2.课外活动课 3.与某人交谈 4.太多 5.学得过多 6.有足够的睡眠 7.给某人写信 8.翻看 9.重要的事 10.成功地发展;解决 11.不和睦相处; 12.经常吵架/打架 13.拒绝做某事 14.主动提出做某事 15.介意某人做某事 16.今后 17.使某人生气 18.担心某事 19.抄袭某人的作业 20.做自己 21.独自消磨时光 22.给某人施压 23.与某人吵架 24.取得更好的成绩 25.提出某人的观点 26.学习应试技巧 27.造成压力 28.删除 29.允许


1.与某人闲逛_______________ 2.课外活动课_______________ 3.与某人交谈_______________ 4.太多_______________ 5.学得过多_______________ 6.有足够的睡眠_______________ 7.给某人写信_______________ 8.翻看_______________ 9.重要的事_______________ 10.成功地发展;解决_______________ 11.不和睦相处;_______________ 12.经常吵架/打架_______________ 13.拒绝做某事_______________ 14.主动提出做某事_______________ 15.介意某人做某事_______________ 16.今后_______________ 17.使某人生气_______________ 18.担心某事_______________ 19.抄袭某人的作业_______________ 20.做自己_______________ 21.独自消磨时光_______________ 22.给某人施压_______________ 23.与某人吵架_______________ 24.取得更好的成绩_______________ 25.提出某人的观点_______________ 26.学习应试技巧_______________ 27.造成压力_______________ 28.删除_______________ 29.允许某人做某事_______________

hang out with sb

free time activities

talk with sb

too much/many

learn too much

have enough sleep

write to sb

leaf through

an important thing/important things

Successful solutions

not get on well with

always quarrel/fight

refuse to do sth

offer to do sth

mind sb doing sth

in the future

make sb angry

worried about sth

copy sb's homework

be yourself

spend time alone

give sb pressure

quarrel with sb

get more good grades

come up with sb's opinion

Learning skills

build-up of pressure

cut out

allow sb to do sth


hang out with sb

free time activities

talk with sb

too much/many

learn too much

have enough sleep

write to sb

leaf through

an important thing/important things

Successful solutions

not get on well with

always quarrel/fight

refuse to do sth

offer to do sth

mind sb doing sth

in the future

make sb angry

worried about sth

copy sb's homework

be yourself

spend time alone

give sb pressure

quarrel with sb

get more good grades

come up with sb's opinion

Learning skills

build-up of pressure

cut out

allow sb to do sth

