

看看:After the reform and open policy more than 20 years,the Chineseeconomy development and the lives of the people level enhancement,between enterprise's competition by the product competition,thequality competition evolved for the brand competition,the brandimportance obtained the full understanding.Brandinternationalization,also more and more receives our countryenterprise the value.After joins WTO,an our country enterpriseimportant strategy topic is must strengthen the step to go out,setsup own in the global scope brand image,realizes the recentdevelopment and the expansion in the global scope,after adapts WTOour country enterprise to continue the need to develop,realizes ourcountry enterprise brand internationalization advancement.This article first introduced the brand internationalization relatedconcept,including the brand internationalization connotation,theweight standard; Then narrated our country enterprise brandinternationalization development advancement and the basic presentsituation as well as with the overseas brand development disparity.Then unifies our country enterprise brand internationalization thedevelopment present situation,analyzes question and hindrance factorwhich our country enterprise brand internationalization faces,as wellas some models native place enterprises develop the brandinternationalization pattern and the strategy.Finally proposeddevelops our country enterprise brand internationalization marketingstrategy under the new situation 看看:After the reform and open policy more than 20 years,the Chineseeconomy development and the lives of the people level enhancement,between enterprise's competition by the product competition,thequality competition evolved for the brand competition,the brandimportance obtained the full understanding.Brandinternationalization,also more and more receives our countryenterprise the value.After joins WTO,an our country enterpriseimportant strategy topic is must strengthen the step to go out,setsup own in the global scope brand image,realizes the recentdevelopment and the expansion in the global scope,after adapts WTOour country enterprise to continue the need to develop,realizes ourcountry enterprise brand internationalization advancement.This article first introduced the brand internationalization relatedconcept,including the brand internationalization connotation,theweight standard; Then narrated our country enterprise brandinternationalization development advancement and the basic presentsituation as well as with the overseas brand development disparity.Then unifies our country enterprise brand internationalization thedevelopment present situation,analyzes question and hindrance factorwhich our country enterprise brand internationalization faces,as wellas some models native place enterprises develop the brandinternationalization pattern and the strategy.Finally proposeddevelops our country enterprise brand internationalization marketingstrategy under the new situation