

In the 21st Century,human population is rapidly growing while the number of animal species are declining at such a fast rate.In particular,African elephant is on the brink of extinction.This is due to the ruthless slaughters by the unethical hunters who are so short-sighted and can only see the temporary financial benefit gained from the selling of ivory.
Now I want to ask you hunters how can you bear to slaughter these animals!They are living things just like you and me.Money will not bring back these animals once they become extinct!This will be a great loss to both human and the natural habitat.Illegal hunting not only will result such irretrievable damage but also imposes threat for you:the danger of being arrested for illegal hunting.So why would you bother risking your life for such a lose-lose solution?
Please stop now before it is too late.Once you begin to regret it will simply be too late!
Please remember,animals are our friends,they should not be killed for your selfish personal gain.
Wake up now,hunters.Give up now!
In the 21st Century,human population is rapidly growing while the number of animal species are declining at such a fast rate.In particular,African elephant is on the brink of extinction.This is due to the ruthless slaughters by the unethical hunters who are so short-sighted and can only see the temporary financial benefit gained from the selling of ivory.
Now I want to ask you hunters how can you bear to slaughter these animals!They are living things just like you and me.Money will not bring back these animals once they become extinct!This will be a great loss to both human and the natural habitat.Illegal hunting not only will result such irretrievable damage but also imposes threat for you:the danger of being arrested for illegal hunting.So why would you bother risking your life for such a lose-lose solution?
Please stop now before it is too late.Once you begin to regret it will simply be too late!
Please remember,animals are our friends,they should not be killed for your selfish personal gain.
Wake up now,hunters.Give up now!