请帮我用英文翻译以下文章.比尔.盖茨是我最崇拜的人,他是微软创始人,被认为是全球首富.他出生于1995年10月28日,他热衷科学和数学十三岁就开始编写计算机程序,深信计算机是对社会非常有用的工具,并在这一信念指引下于1975年创办微软公司;同时他也创办了慈善基金会,为贫困 学生提供奖学金;也在艾滋病防治方面做出了很大贡献. 我被他这种精神所鼓舞,也非常感激他为我们所贡献的一切.


比尔.盖茨是我最崇拜的人,他是微软创始人,被认为是全球首富.他出生于1995年10月28日,他热衷科学和数学十三岁就开始编写计算机程序,深信计算机是对社会非常有用的工具,并在这一信念指引下于1975年创办微软公司;同时他也创办了慈善基金会,为贫困 学生提供奖学金;也在艾滋病防治方面做出了很大贡献.
比尔.盖茨是我最崇拜的人,他是微软创始人,被认为是全球首富.他出生于1995年10月28日,他热衷科学和数学十三岁就开始编写计算机程序,深信计算机是对社会非常有用的工具,并在这一信念指引下于1975年创办微软公司;同时他也创办了慈善基金会,为贫困 学生提供奖学金;也在艾滋病防治方面做出了很大贡献.
Bill Gates is the person I admire the most. He is the founder of Microsoft and is recognized as the richest man in the world. He was born on 28th October, 1955. He is passionate about science and mathematics and he started writing computer programs when he was 13 years old. he believed strongly that computers will be a very useful tool for the society. Under such conviction, he found the Microsoft company in 1975 and he also started a charitable foundation providing scholarships for students in needs. He also made a great contribution towards prevention of AIDS.
I am deeply encouraged by the spirit of Bill Gates and I am very grateful for what he has done for all of us.
比尔.盖茨是我最崇拜的人,他是微软创始人,被认为是全球首富.他出生于1995年10月28日,他热衷科学和数学十三岁就开始编写计算机程序,深信计算机是对社会非常有用的工具,并在这一信念指引下于1975年创办微软公司;同时他也创办了慈善基金会,为贫困 学生提供奖学金;也在艾滋病防治方面做出了很大贡献.
Bill Gates is the person I admire the most. He is the founder of Microsoft and is recognized as the richest man in the world. He was born on 28th October, 1955. He is passionate about science and mathematics and he started writing computer programs when he was 13 years old. he believed strongly that computers will be a very useful tool for the society. Under such conviction, he found the Microsoft company in 1975 and he also started a charitable foundation providing scholarships for students in needs. He also made a great contribution towards prevention of AIDS.
I am deeply encouraged by the spirit of Bill Gates and I am very grateful for what he has done for all of us.