英文简历求核对(集成测试用英语怎么说的?)(中文对照)在中兴通讯上海研发中心,从事软件测试工作,工作内容包括:白盒测试、黑盒测试.以小组长的身份组织过多次代码走查,积累了较多相关知识,以牵头人的身份研究如何进行集成测试,积累了较多相关知识.以测试组长的身份参与某手机项目,从立项到上市全过程的测试组织ZTE corporation ,ShangHai,2005 – presentIn ZTE corporation,Shanghai subsection,Work in software test,incl


ZTE corporation ,ShangHai,2005 – present
In ZTE corporation,Shanghai subsection,Work in software test,include whiter box test,black box test.Lead a team to find bugs in codes,and accumulate a lot of experience.Lead a team to research 集成测试 ,and accumulate a lot of experience.Participate in an object as a team leader,form the beginning to the product come into the market.
Main responsibility:software testing,details of which include whiter and black box test; heading a team to debugs codes,and a team on system integration test,and accumulate a lot of experience.Participate in an probject as a team leader,form the beginning to the product come into the market. Main responsibility:software testing,details of which include whiter and black box test; heading a team to debugs codes,and a team on system integration test,and accumulate a lot of experience.Participate in an probject as a team leader,form the beginning to the product come into the market.