求英语任务型阅读题型19Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It is said that our body movements communicate(表达)about 50%of what we really mean while words themselves only do 7%.So while your mouth is closed,just what is your body saying


Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It is said that our body movements communicate(表达)about 50%of what we really mean while words themselves only do 7%.So while your mouth is closed,just what is your body saying……
Arms• How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive(接受的)you are to people you meet.If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back,this suggests you are not afraid of‘ asking on whatever comes your way.Outgoing people usually use their arms with big movements while quieter people keep them close to their bodies.If someone makes you angry,just cross your arms to show you’re unhappy!
Head• when you want to show your confidence,keep your head level(平直).If you are monitor in class,you can also take on this position(姿势)when you want your words to be taken seriously.However,to be friendly in listening or speaking,you must move your head a little to one side.
Legs.Your legs will move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies.If you are at interviews,try to keep them still.
Mouth.When you are thinking,you often purse your lips(撅起嘴).You might also use this
position to hold back angry words you don’t wish to say.However,it will probably still be noticed,and people will know you’re not pleased.
1.According to the passage ,what plays an important part in communication?.
2.When a nervous person speaks in public,what will he or she probably do?
3.Which word means “being sure of oneself”?
4.How many parts of body are mentioned in the passage?
5.Usually crossing your arms shows the same feeling as
Animation means making things which are lifeless come alive and move.
From earlist times,people have always been facinated by movement,But not until this century have we managed to capture movement,to record it,and in the case of animation,to reinterpret it and recreate it.To do all this,we use a movie camera and a projector.
In the world of cartoon animation,nothing is impossible.You can make the characters you create do exactly what you want them.
A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat,created by Pat Sullivan in American in the early ninrteen twenties.Fedix was a marvellous cat.He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail,using it as a handle and then putting it back.
Most of the great early animatiors lived and worked in America,the home of the moving picture industry.The famous Walt Dianey cartoon characters came to life after 1928.Popeye the Sailorman and his girl friend Olive Oyl were born at the Max Fleischer studios in 1933.
But to be an animator,you don't have to ba a professional.It is possible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at all.All you have to do is draw directly on to blank film and then run a projector.
1.What's the main idea of the passage?
2.What things the cat can do?
3.According to the passage,who create the cat?
4.What can be inferred from the passage?
5.What is the author's attitude towards cartoon making?
Animation means making things which are lifeless come alive and move.
From earlist times,people have always been facinated by movement,But not until this century have we managed to capture movement,to record it,and in the case of animation,to reinterpret it and recreate it.To do all this,we use a movie camera and a projector.
In the world of cartoon animation,nothing is impossible.You can make the characters you create do exactly what you want them.
A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat,created by Pat Sullivan in American in the early ninrteen twenties.Fedix was a marvellous cat.He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail,using it as a handle and then putting it back.
Most of the great early animatiors lived and worked in America,the home of the moving picture industry.The famous Walt Dianey cartoon characters came to life after 1928.Popeye the Sailorman and his girl friend Olive Oyl were born at the Max Fleischer studios in 1933.
But to be an animator,you don't have to ba a professional.It is possible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at all.All you have to do is draw directly on to blank film and then run a projector.
1.What's the main idea of the passage?
2.What things the cat can do?
3.According to the passage,who create the cat?
4.What can be inferred from the passage?
5.What is the author's attitude towards cartoon making?