假设你校学生会准备在新的一年里成立一个志愿服务社团(Voluntary Service Club),需要在学校招募一些学生志愿者.请根据以下内容,写一份招募通知张贴在学校英语网站上.1.目的:服务社会,了解社会,培养学生的合作能力;2.条件:身体健康在,乐于助人;3.活动:自拟,不少于两种活动;4.报名时间:12月31号前;5.报名地点:校学生会.词数:120-150词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.Volunteers Wanted!     &nbs


假设你校学生会准备在新的一年里成立一个志愿服务社团(Voluntary Service Club),需要在学校招募一些学生志愿者.请根据以下内容,写一份招募通知张贴在学校英语网站上.
Volunteers Wanted!
The Students'Union.
Volunteers Wanted!
It is decided that the Voluntary Service Club of our school will be set up in the coming new year.Its main purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to serve the society better and know more about the society.It can also help to develop our cooperative ability.( 志愿者目的)
The club members will be required to do voluntary work at weekends or during holidays.We're going to visit the elderly in the nursing home,keep public places clean and offer help or guidance to the passengers in the train station.The students who are healthy,open-minded and willing to help others are welcome to join(高分句型一).(自愿者条件及活动)
If you are interested,please send your application to the Students'Union before December 31.Those qualified for it will be interviewed in a few days.(高分句型二)(报名方式)
The Students'Union.
Volunteers Wanted!
It is decided that the Voluntary Service Club of our school will be set up in the coming new year.Its main purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to serve the society better and know more about the society.It can also help to develop our cooperative ability.( 志愿者目的)
The club members will be required to do voluntary work at weekends or during holidays.We're going to visit the elderly in the nursing home,keep public places clean and offer help or guidance to the passengers in the train station.The students who are healthy,open-minded and willing to help others are welcome to join(高分句型一).(自愿者条件及活动)
If you are interested,please send your application to the Students'Union before December 31.Those qualified for it will be interviewed in a few days.(高分句型二)(报名方式)
The Students'Union.