用英语写出下列数字的读法 100,102,112,1000,1001,125000,498000179,1000000000,321000743128(英语中数字的表达方法)不会的不要来!


用英语写出下列数字的读法 100,102,112,1000,1001,125000,498000179,1000000000,321000743128
one hundred;
one hundred and two;
one hundred and twelve;one thousand;
one thousand and one;
one hundred and twenty-five thousand;
four hundred and ninety eight million one hundred and seventy nine;
one billion;
three hundred and twenty one billion seven hundred and fourty three thousand one hundred and twenty eight
one hundred;
one hundred and two;
one hundred and twelve;one thousand;
one thousand and one;
one hundred and twenty-five thousand;
four hundred and ninety eight million one hundred and seventy nine;
one billion;
three hundred and twenty one billion seven hundred and fourty three thousand one hundred and twenty eight