

Some of our students in October last year to Sanya day tour, this is the second time I saw the sea. We are on the beach sun bathing, swimming, collecting shells, photography. The next day, set sail to the island diving, strong winds, the ship Britain a lot and some girls screaming. On the road that many students were persuaded to buy sugar and tea. A hard journey, but excited! 这个就是答案,希望对你有帮助 Some of our students in October last year to Sanya day tour, this is the second time I saw the sea. We are on the beach sun bathing, swimming, collecting shells, photography. The next day, set sail to the island diving, strong winds, the ship Britain a lot and some girls screaming. On the road that many students were persuaded to buy sugar and tea. A hard journey, but excited! 这个就是答案,希望对你有帮助