英语翻译我非常理解你急迫的心情,但是我必须要和你说明.所有的事情必须按照公司规定进行,我也希望尽快处理现在的问题 但这不是我一个人可以决定,这超出我的能力范围.因为公司有不同的部门,所有部门的操作流程都要严格按照公司的要求去执行.我们海运部门必须收到货款后才会修改提单.这个我告诉你好多次了,所以我才催促你尽快汇款.直接的说 我们已经尽最大努力来解决现在的问题


我也希望尽快处理现在的问题 但这不是我一个人可以决定,这超出我的能力范围.因为公司有不同的部门,所有部门的操作流程都要严格按照公司的要求去执行.我们海运部门必须收到货款后才会修改提单.这个我告诉你好多次了,所以我才催促你尽快汇款.直接的说 我们已经尽最大努力来解决现在的问题
I can read your urgent mind,but I need to comply with the rules of my company.
I hope to sovle the present problem asap,but I can not determine it by myself,it is out of my control.There are many different departments in my company,and what they do should comply with the regulations.Now the problem is that we are unable to modify the B/L unless we receive the total amount,which I have told you many times.Therefore,I push you to remit asap.Actually,we spared every effort to solve this problem.
I can read your urgent mind,but I need to comply with the rules of my company.
I hope to sovle the present problem asap,but I can not determine it by myself,it is out of my control.There are many different departments in my company,and what they do should comply with the regulations.Now the problem is that we are unable to modify the B/L unless we receive the total amount,which I have told you many times.Therefore,I push you to remit asap.Actually,we spared every effort to solve this problem.