请教英语高手帮我翻译一下论文摘要!急!随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现企业人事考勤管理势在必行。考勤管理系统能够帮助公司单位在人事管理上对员工信息进行管理,能大大提高公司的工作效率和管理能力。本系统是结合企业实际考勤管理制度,经过实际的需求分析,采用功能强大的Visual Foxpro 6.0作为开发工具,开发出来的考勤管理系统。本文主要讲述了开发系统的步骤:系统分析、系统设计、系统实施和系统调试。系统中实现了员工考勤操作和员工加班操作,部门信息、员工信息和考勤记录的


请教英语高手帮我翻译一下论文摘要!急!随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现企业人事考勤管理势在必行。考勤管理系统能够帮助公司单位在人事管理上对员工信息进行管理,能大大提高公司的工作效率和管理能力。本系统是结合企业实际考勤管理制度,经过实际的需求分析,采用功能强大的Visual Foxpro 6.0作为开发工具,开发出来的考勤管理系统。本文主要讲述了开发系统的步骤:系统分析、系统设计、系统实施和系统调试。系统中实现了员工考勤操作和员工加班操作,部门信息、员工信息和考勤记录的管理,对考勤记录、加班记录的查询,对日、月考勤记录、加班记录的统计查询。日、月考勤记录、加班记录的统计报表打印,大大减少了人力和物力。本软件的使用大大减少了考勤中存在的误差。本系统具有数据输入,数据存储,信息查询,报表打印等功能,系统的人机对话界面友好。系统功能全面,用户操作方便是本设计的一个特色。
Along with the rapid development of computer technology, computer application in enterprise management, by using computer to realize the popularity of enterprise personnel attendance management is imperative. The attendance management system can help companies in personnel management to manage the staff information, can greatly increase the company's working efficiency and management ability. This system is with enterprise's actual attendance management system, through actual requirement analysis, using powerful Visual Foxpro 6.0 as development tools developed attendance management system. This paper mainly introduces development system of steps: system analysis, system design and system implementation and debugging systems. System realization of employees' attendance operation and overtime operation, the department of information and information, employees to work records management, timing records, overtime to date, recorded inquires, monthly attendance record, overtime recorded statistics inquiry. Day, month attendance record, overtime recorded statistics report form printing, greatly reducing the manpower and material. The use of this software greatly reduce the attendance exists in the error. This system has the data input, data storage, information query, print, system functions such as man-machine dialogue friendly interface. System comprehensive functions, users convenient operation is a feature of this design Along with the rapid development of computer technology, computer application in enterprise management, by using computer to realize the popularity of enterprise personnel attendance management is imperative. The attendance management system can help companies in personnel management to manage the staff information, can greatly increase the company's working efficiency and management ability. This system is with enterprise's actual attendance management system, through actual requirement analysis, using powerful Visual Foxpro 6.0 as development tools developed attendance management system. This paper mainly introduces development system of steps: system analysis, system design and system implementation and debugging systems. System realization of employees' attendance operation and overtime operation, the department of information and information, employees to work records management, timing records, overtime to date, recorded inquires, monthly attendance record, overtime recorded statistics inquiry. Day, month attendance record, overtime recorded statistics report form printing, greatly reducing the manpower and material. The use of this software greatly reduce the attendance exists in the error. This system has the data input, data storage, information query, print, system functions such as man-machine dialogue friendly interface. System comprehensive functions, users convenient operation is a feature of this design