英语翻译11.据说每天喝8杯水对皮肤有好处.(it is said that) 12.1985年美国把玫瑰花列为国花,它代表着美与爱.(make) 13经历了生活中的困难之后,我发现有一些好朋友是多么重要.(find it...) 14.入口处的指示牌标明山中有熊,所以游客需要当心.(indicate) 15.地震可能造成致命疾病的传播.(result in) 16.能够赢得假期并认识这么多新朋友,我感到非常幸运.(feel lucky to) 17.你为什么想买这辆车呢?它既不实用也不便宜.(neith


11.据说每天喝8杯水对皮肤有好处.(it is said that)
13经历了生活中的困难之后,我发现有一些好朋友是多么重要.(find it...)
15.地震可能造成致命疾病的传播.(result in)
16.能够赢得假期并认识这么多新朋友,我感到非常幸运.(feel lucky to)
11.It is said that drinking 8 cup of water to skin every day is beneficial.12.USA is listing the rose as the national flower in 1985 ,it is representing US and is apt.13.That I discover some good friends after difficulty in having experienced life,is what important.14.There are bear in entrance facia labelling mountain,the visitor needs the middle therefore.15.The earthquake may bring about fatal disease propagation.16.That I feel is very lucky to be able to win vacation and know so many new friend.17.Why do you want to buy this vehicle woollen cloth?It is both no pragmatic and no cheap. 11.It is said that drinking 8 cup of water to skin every day is beneficial.12.USA is listing the rose as the national flower in 1985 ,it is representing US and is apt.13.That I discover some good friends after difficulty in having experienced life,is what important.14.There are bear in entrance facia labelling mountain,the visitor needs the middle therefore.15.The earthquake may bring about fatal disease propagation.16.That I feel is very lucky to be able to win vacation and know so many new friend.17.Why do you want to buy this vehicle woollen cloth?It is both no pragmatic and no cheap.