英语小作文本人不会 Tom是一名六年级的小学生,今年暑假他将与部分校友到美国游学3个月,这是他第一次出国,对中西礼仪的差异还一知半解,请你帮帮他,以他好朋友Peter的名义写信告诉他在美国应该做什么,怎样做.不是这个的翻译 而是Tom去到美国应该做什么不应该做什么?


不是这个的翻译 而是Tom去到美国应该做什么不应该做什么?
Tom is a sixth graders, this summer he will travel to the United States with a part of alumni 3 months, this is the first time he go abroad, with western etiquette difference also sciolistic, please help him with his good friend Peter's name in the United States should write and tell him what to do and how to do it Tom is a sixth graders, this summer he will travel to the United States with a part of alumni 3 months, this is the first time he go abroad, with western etiquette difference also sciolistic, please help him with his good friend Peter's name in the United States should write and tell him what to do and how to do it