根据提示,用英语介绍居里夫人,单词数80--100个左右1,居里夫人---世界上最伟大的科学家之一 2,生于1867年,先居荷兰,后居法国 3,自幼对科学感兴趣,勤奋钻研,终于发现了镭元素(the element radium),于1903年和1911年2次获诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prize),66岁时在巴黎逝世 4,今天,人们仍怀念这位伟大的科学家,怀念他的决心与勇气(determination and courage).


1,居里夫人---世界上最伟大的科学家之一 2,生于1867年,先居荷兰,后居法国 3,自幼对科学感兴趣,勤奋钻研,终于发现了镭元素(the element radium),于1903年和1911年2次获诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prize),66岁时在巴黎逝世 4,今天,人们仍怀念这位伟大的科学家,怀念他的决心与勇气(determination and courage).
Marie Curie is one of the greatest scientists of world.She was born in 1867,the first lived at Holand and the moved to France She was interested in science when she was a child.Wish studying hard,she finally found the element radium.She won the Nobel Prize for two times io 1903 and 1911.She died at Paris when she was 66-year-old .Today,people still remember the great scientist and miss her determination and courage. Marie Curie is one of the greatest scientists of world.She was born in 1867,the first lived at Holand and the moved to France She was interested in science when she was a child.Wish studying hard,she finally found the element radium.She won the Nobel Prize for two times io 1903 and 1911.She died at Paris when she was 66-year-old .Today,people still remember the great scientist and miss her determination and courage.