

A:Hello,it's been a long time since i met you!
B:Oh yes,time flies pretty fast!
A:I agree.Anything special happened recently?
B:Nothing much actually.I'm preparing for my final exams these few weeks!It 's causing me a real headache.
A:I agree much.Final examinations can be really tough..Strive harder for the next few days and everything will be over!
B:Thank you very much for your comfort!
A:It's nothing,i've to go now,something emergency cropped up at my house.Wish you all the best,see you next time,bye!
B:Hope to see you soon as well,bye!
A:Hello,it's been a long time since i met you!
B:Oh yes,time flies pretty fast!
A:I agree.Anything special happened recently?
B:Nothing much actually.I'm preparing for my final exams these few weeks!It 's causing me a real headache.
A:I agree much.Final examinations can be really tough..Strive harder for the next few days and everything will be over!
B:Thank you very much for your comfort!
A:It's nothing,i've to go now,something emergency cropped up at my house.Wish you all the best,see you next time,bye!
B:Hope to see you soon as well,bye!
相关标签: 英语 对话 主要 对方 陈述 高中 水平