Modern technology has many advantages.While we enjoy the fun and convenience of the Internet,we also experience some new problems.This caricature describes one of them.It shows that the teenage boy is enjoying chatting online so much that he refuses to talk to his parent.(该漫画体现的内容)I think it might be common,but it is totally unacceptable.Nothing can replace face-to-face communication no matter how easy or interesting it is for us to chat with people from across the world on the Internet.【高分句型一】(对此现象的看法)
In most Chinese families,there is only one child.Obviously,we are the centre of our parents'attention.Many parents are willing to do anything to make sure that we live a good life.It is understandable that they want to know what's happening to us,what kind of friends we make and how we are getting on with our studies.【高分句型二】(分析社会现实)
As far as I'm concerned,we should let our parents know us well.For example,we can tell them what's going on in school when we have dinner or turn to them for advice when we have problems.In that way,I'm sure the relationship between us and our parents will become better and better.(我们该如何主动和父母亲沟通)
Modern technology has many advantages.While we enjoy the fun and convenience of the Internet,we also experience some new problems.This caricature describes one of them.It shows that the teenage boy is enjoying chatting online so much that he refuses to talk to his parent.(该漫画体现的内容)I think it might be common,but it is totally unacceptable.Nothing can replace face-to-face communication no matter how easy or interesting it is for us to chat with people from across the world on the Internet.【高分句型一】(对此现象的看法)
In most Chinese families,there is only one child.Obviously,we are the centre of our parents'attention.Many parents are willing to do anything to make sure that we live a good life.It is understandable that they want to know what's happening to us,what kind of friends we make and how we are getting on with our studies.【高分句型二】(分析社会现实)
As far as I'm concerned,we should let our parents know us well.For example,we can tell them what's going on in school when we have dinner or turn to them for advice when we have problems.In that way,I'm sure the relationship between us and our parents will become better and better.(我们该如何主动和父母亲沟通)