英语翻译[摘要] 培养创造力是素质教育的核心,随着社会的不断发展,美术教育越来越受到人们的重视,人们也越来越认识到美术教育中创造能力的重要、创新教育的价值.在新的课程标准理念的指导下,我们必须清醒地认识,只有掌握扎实的基础知识,把知识学活;将来才能活用美术课堂是学校实施美育的主要途径,本文从美术教学过程出发,探讨培养学生创造力的具体做法,并进一步对教学实践过程中存在的一些问题进行了探讨分析.[关键词] 创造能力; 课堂教学观; 兴趣; 评价


[摘要] 培养创造力是素质教育的核心,随着社会的不断发展,美术教育越来越受到人们的重视,人们也越来越认识到美术教育中创造能力的重要、创新教育的价值.在新的课程标准理念的指导下,我们必须清醒地认识,只有掌握扎实的基础知识,把知识学活;将来才能活用美术课堂是学校实施美育的主要途径,本文从美术教学过程出发,探讨培养学生创造力的具体做法,并进一步对教学实践过程中存在的一些问题进行了探讨分析.
[关键词] 创造能力; 课堂教学观; 兴趣; 评价
Cultivation of creativity is the core of quality education, with the continuous development of society, art education has been paid more and more attention, more and more people are aware of art education and creative ability, innovation education. In the new curriculum standard under the guidance of the concept, we must understand clearly, only to have a solid foundation of knowledge, the knowledge learn living; can use art class is the school implementation esthetic education main way, this article from the process of art teaching and training the students' creative ability sets out, discussed the specific practices, and further to the process of teaching practice the article discusses the existing problems analysis.
[ Key words] creative ability; classroom teaching; interest; evaluation
Cultivation of creativity is the core of quality education, with the continuous development of society, art education has been paid more and more attention, more and more people are aware of art education and creative ability, innovation education. In the new curriculum standard under the guidance of the concept, we must understand clearly, only to have a solid foundation of knowledge, the knowledge learn living; can use art class is the school implementation esthetic education main way, this article from the process of art teaching and training the students' creative ability sets out, discussed the specific practices, and further to the process of teaching practice the article discusses the existing problems analysis.
[ Key words] creative ability; classroom teaching; interest; evaluation