英语翻译1 已经联系好郑州的国际旅行社,安排好了一切2 旅行安排是:你将参加一个20人的旅游团队,时间为七月十日至二十二日,有一名说英语的导游陪同,有车接送3 如对就餐、旅馆、费用等有疑问,请来信4 请你提前告知航班信息,以便接机


1 已经联系好郑州的国际旅行社,安排好了一切
2 旅行安排是:你将参加一个20人的旅游团队,时间为七月十日至二十二日,有一名说英语的导游陪同,有车接送
3 如对就餐、旅馆、费用等有疑问,请来信
4 请你提前告知航班信息,以便接机
1、Zhengzhou has been touch with the international travel agencies,arranged all the
2、Travel arrangements:You will join a team of 20 people travel time for the July 10 to 22,there is an English-speaking tour guide accompanied by a car shuttle
3、Such as dining,hotels,costs have questions,please email
4、Please inform the flight information in advance in order to pick up
1、Zhengzhou has been touch with the international travel agencies,arranged all the
2、Travel arrangements:You will join a team of 20 people travel time for the July 10 to 22,there is an English-speaking tour guide accompanied by a car shuttle
3、Such as dining,hotels,costs have questions,please email
4、Please inform the flight information in advance in order to pick up