

Days in the summer are always sunny and hot. The blazing sun embraces the city with its boiling arms, drying even the darkest corners of every alleyway. Weary people swipe the sweat off their foreheads as they take another heavy step towards their destiny. Kids wearing tanks, ladies in sandals, passengers have their coats stored away and wearing as little as possible to take off the heat. Water is an essential item in this time of the day, particularly iced bottle of waters. One degree higher after another, as the temperature rises so does the price of iced beverages. When an ice cream truck announces its presence, everyone floods to greet him with enthusiasm, for the rule is first come first serve and the last may not have anything left. The heat of the summer seeps deep into everyone's life, boiling the blood under their thin veins and the concrete walls of their homes. No one can escape its wrath, so we might as well accept our fate and take a dive in the pool after a day of work or school, and have a little fun in this heat. Days in the summer are always sunny and hot. The blazing sun embraces the city with its boiling arms, drying even the darkest corners of every alleyway. Weary people swipe the sweat off their foreheads as they take another heavy step towards their destiny. Kids wearing tanks, ladies in sandals, passengers have their coats stored away and wearing as little as possible to take off the heat. Water is an essential item in this time of the day, particularly iced bottle of waters. One degree higher after another, as the temperature rises so does the price of iced beverages. When an ice cream truck announces its presence, everyone floods to greet him with enthusiasm, for the rule is first come first serve and the last may not have anything left. The heat of the summer seeps deep into everyone's life, boiling the blood under their thin veins and the concrete walls of their homes. No one can escape its wrath, so we might as well accept our fate and take a dive in the pool after a day of work or school, and have a little fun in this heat.