帮个忙啊 我需要一篇搞笑的英语文章 字数在200字内英语老师范学校园要我们明天都表演个节目 要全英语的 我什么都不会 给我找篇搞笑的文章 我现在才初二最好把中文意思写一下


帮个忙啊 我需要一篇搞笑的英语文章 字数在200字内
英语老师范学校园要我们明天都表演个节目 要全英语的 我什么都不会 给我找篇搞笑的文章 我现在才初二
They are busy

One day, the phone rang, and a little boy answered.
"May I speak to your parents? "
"They're busy. "
"Oh. Is anybody else there? "
"The police. "
"Can I speak to them?"
"They're busy. "
"Oh. Is anybody else there? "
"The firemen. "
"Can I speak to them? "
"They're busy. "
"So let me get this straight -- your parents, the police, and the firemen are there, but they're all busy? What are they doing?"
"Looking for me. "


They are busy

One day, the phone rang, and a little boy answered.
"May I speak to your parents? "
"They're busy. "
"Oh. Is anybody else there? "
"The police. "
"Can I speak to them?"
"They're busy. "
"Oh. Is anybody else there? "
"The firemen. "
"Can I speak to them? "
"They're busy. "
"So let me get this straight -- your parents, the police, and the firemen are there, but they're all busy? What are they doing?"
"Looking for me. "

