英语高手帮忙翻译成英文!!作为大学生的我们既没有工作又没有钱,我们应该怎样解决这个问题呢?比如 1.找兼职工作。比如,在淘宝上开个小店,将家里没用的东西放到网上。 2.尽量少吃零食,适当吃点水果。 3.洗发水、香皂、洗衣粉……能买“家庭装”的就买“家庭装”。 4.不买反季节水果,但可以买反季节衣服。 5.很多时候都需要送礼物,想过自己制作礼物吗?比如,亲手制作的工艺品。 节约用钱的办法很多,每个人都有他自己的方法!


英语高手帮忙翻译成英文!!作为大学生的我们既没有工作又没有钱,我们应该怎样解决这个问题呢?比如 1.找兼职工作。比如,在淘宝上开个小店,将家里没用的东西放到网上。 2.尽量少吃零食,适当吃点水果。 3.洗发水、香皂、洗衣粉……能买“家庭装”的就买“家庭装”。 4.不买反季节水果,但可以买反季节衣服。 5.很多时候都需要送礼物,想过自己制作礼物吗?比如,亲手制作的工艺品。 节约用钱的办法很多,每个人都有他自己的方法!
我把上面的修改了一下,你看看。 As college students we have no work or money, how can we solve those problems? For example: 1. To find part-time job. For example, on Taobao open a shop, we can put things which is useless at home on the web. 2. Try to eat less snacks, eat fruit properly. 3. Shampoo, soap, washing powder ... ... if we can buy a "Family Pack" and just do it. 4. Do not buy off-season fruit, however ,we can buy off-season clothes. 5. Sometimes we need to send gifts, just thought to produce their own gifts? For example, hand-made crafts. Were many ways to save money, each person has his own way! 我把上面的修改了一下,你看看。 As college students we have no work or money, how can we solve those problems? For example: 1. To find part-time job. For example, on Taobao open a shop, we can put things which is useless at home on the web. 2. Try to eat less snacks, eat fruit properly. 3. Shampoo, soap, washing powder ... ... if we can buy a "Family Pack" and just do it. 4. Do not buy off-season fruit, however ,we can buy off-season clothes. 5. Sometimes we need to send gifts, just thought to produce their own gifts? For example, hand-made crafts. Were many ways to save money, each person has his own way!