英语翻译1我对我的新裙子很满意,因为它既便宜又时尚(be satisfied with)2刚开始学日语很容易,但后来越来越难(more and more)3午餐时我和我的朋友坐在一起(next to)4他对我来说不只是一个朋友(more than)5你不必为这些书付钱,它们是免费的(for free)6鲁迅本该当医生的,但是他却成为了一位著名的作家(be supposed to)7当我们外出时,我们托付邻居照顾我们的宠物狗(in the charge of)8你绝对不是他的对手(no match for)


1我对我的新裙子很满意,因为它既便宜又时尚(be satisfied with)
2刚开始学日语很容易,但后来越来越难(more and more)
3午餐时我和我的朋友坐在一起(next to)
4他对我来说不只是一个朋友(more than)
5你不必为这些书付钱,它们是免费的(for free)
6鲁迅本该当医生的,但是他却成为了一位著名的作家(be supposed to)
7当我们外出时,我们托付邻居照顾我们的宠物狗(in the charge of)
8你绝对不是他的对手(no match for)
9他们虽然碰到了困难,但他们终究还是成功了(after all)
10这动物走路的样子好像腿受了伤似的(as if)
1. I'm very satisfied with my new skirt, because it's cheap and fashionable.2. It is easy learning Japanese at the begining, but later it will become more and more difficult.3. I sit next to my friend... 1. I'm very satisfied with my new skirt, because it's cheap and fashionable.2. It is easy learning Japanese at the begining, but later it will become more and more difficult.3. I sit next to my friend...