英语作文假设你是Percy,今天拿到了成绩单.当看到年终考试英语成绩时,你感到很紧张,成绩很令人失望,尽管你想学好,但是不知怎么办.你现在的困惑:现在的课本GO FOR IT太难了,有那么多的单词和短语要记;有时你会说,但是到写时你却忘了;说、听的方面好些,但读的方面较差;有时做家庭作业时抄别人的.为此你给你的英语老师Martin写一封词数喂100左右的信,并请他帮助你,请他给你提一些建议来提高英语成绩.开头是:Dear Martin,This is Percy.Today I got my school


假设你是Percy,今天拿到了成绩单.当看到年终考试英语成绩时,你感到很紧张,成绩很令人失望,尽管你想学好,但是不知怎么办.你现在的困惑:现在的课本GO FOR IT太难了,有那么多的单词和短语要记;有时你会说,但是到写时你却忘了;说、听的方面好些,但读的方面较差;有时做家庭作业时抄别人的.为此你给你的英语老师Martin写一封词数喂100左右的信,并请他帮助你,请他给你提一些建议来提高英语成绩.
Dear Martin,
This is Percy.Today I got my school report card.______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you very much.Please write to me soon.I am looking forward to it.
Dear Martin,
This is Percy.Today I got my school report card. I'm very nervous when looking at the disappointing grades. I tried my best to learn but I just don't know how to get to it. Here are my problems. The book we are using, the Go For It, is too hard for me to follow up. Because there are always too many words and phrases to remember and sometime I know the pronounciation but forget the spell of the words. I do well in speaking and listening but have problem in reading. Thus I just copied others homework. If you can offer me some help, I'll be very happy.
Thank you very much. Please write to me soon. I am looking forward to it.
Dear Martin,
This is Percy.Today I got my school report card. I'm very nervous when looking at the disappointing grades. I tried my best to learn but I just don't know how to get to it. Here are my problems. The book we are using, the Go For It, is too hard for me to follow up. Because there are always too many words and phrases to remember and sometime I know the pronounciation but forget the spell of the words. I do well in speaking and listening but have problem in reading. Thus I just copied others homework. If you can offer me some help, I'll be very happy.
Thank you very much. Please write to me soon. I am looking forward to it.