结合材料,按要求用英文写作,词数不少于60。 In your English class, your teacher shows you the picture beside. Please describe it and say something about it.要求:(1)就此材料发表你的感想;(2)应紧扣材料,有明确的观点;(3)请在答题卡上作答。


In your English class, your teacher shows you the picture beside. Please describe it and say something about it.

In the picture, two hunters are arguing about the way to have their game cooked, but anyhow, they are ignoring that their chance is flying away. How foolish they both are. In our daily life, we on occasion encounter the same situation. What we are focusing on is not the way to accomplish the task, but only the achievement yet to be obtained, which surely wastes our chances and energy without any actual result of our effort. So we must try to avoid such kind of things happening in our life.


In the picture, two hunters are arguing about the way to have their game cooked, but anyhow, they are ignoring that their chance is flying away. How foolish they both are. In our daily life, we on occasion encounter the same situation. What we are focusing on is not the way to accomplish the task, but only the achievement yet to be obtained, which surely wastes our chances and energy without any actual result of our effort. So we must try to avoid such kind of things happening in our life.
