

I am optimistic to the development of our education system. Although difficulties exist, we need to see the favorable conditions. The economic development is rapid over the past few years in any rate. Economy is the foundation. Its development will inevitably lead the development of education. People from China's urban and rural areas, and all sectors of society, contain a vast enthusiasm of running school. Quite a few patriotic overseas Chinese are also enthusiastic to contribute money to education . Furthermore we have a correct creed now. Under such conditions, as long as all levels of leadership grasp seriously, the matter of education will be easy to deal with in my view. Pessimism is unfounded. By grasping down-to-earth (或者是one step at a time) for sevral years, the new situation of unprecedented prosperity for the education cause of Chinese nation will surely come. I am optimistic to the development of our education system. Although difficulties exist, we need to see the favorable conditions. The economic development is rapid over the past few years in any rate. Economy is the foundation. Its development will inevitably lead the development of education. People from China's urban and rural areas, and all sectors of society, contain a vast enthusiasm of running school. Quite a few patriotic overseas Chinese are also enthusiastic to contribute money to education . Furthermore we have a correct creed now. Under such conditions, as long as all levels of leadership grasp seriously, the matter of education will be easy to deal with in my view. Pessimism is unfounded. By grasping down-to-earth (或者是one step at a time) for sevral years, the new situation of unprecedented prosperity for the education cause of Chinese nation will surely come.