英语 作文 假设你叫李华,请给Nicolaus Copernicus写一封信,100词左右,英语 作文 假设你叫李华,请给Nicolaus Copernicus写一封信,100词左右,劝说他出版自己的理论著作,这样可以让每个人都了解他的理论,从而推动科学的发展


英语 作文 假设你叫李华,请给Nicolaus Copernicus写一封信,100词左右,
英语 作文
假设你叫李华,请给Nicolaus Copernicus写一封信,100词左右,劝说他出版自己的理论著作,这样可以让每个人都了解他的理论,从而推动科学的发展
英语还是自己写好,看了下面的应该会给你一些帮助Before you start reading,you should know this:Learning English requires action.You may know all the learning tips,but if you don't start doing things,you will achieve nothing.Therefore our method is not just for reading; it is for reading and doing.You need two things to learn English well — passion and effective learning methods — and passion is the more important one.Why?Because passion makes you want to learn English; the learning methods only tell you how to do it faster.If you love learning English:You will do it regularly and spend more time on it.Learning English will be easier for you.It will be easy for you to remember new words and grammar structures.It's because the brain easily remembers information on a subject that you like.(For example,some people like history and know everything about World War II.If you told a "normal person" to memorize all these facts,they would never do it.) We know you may not love learning English.And even if you love it,you will sometimes not want to do it.This is how human psychology works — sometimes we are so lazy,bored,and tired that we don't want to do even the things that we like.Here is what you can do when you don't feel like learning English:Imagine yourself in the future Imagine you can talk to native speakers just like you talk in your first language.Imagine other people wanting to speak English as well as you do.Imagine the possibility of writing e-mail to people from all over the world.You should know that it is possible to learn English really well.Just look at other people who have done it.Remember that you are already good You already know some English (you're reading an article in English right now).That's a big success!Now it's time for more successes. 英语还是自己写好,看了下面的应该会给你一些帮助Before you start reading,you should know this:Learning English requires action.You may know all the learning tips,but if you don't start doing things,you will achieve nothing.Therefore our method is not just for reading; it is for reading and doing.You need two things to learn English well — passion and effective learning methods — and passion is the more important one.Why?Because passion makes you want to learn English; the learning methods only tell you how to do it faster.If you love learning English:You will do it regularly and spend more time on it.Learning English will be easier for you.It will be easy for you to remember new words and grammar structures.It's because the brain easily remembers information on a subject that you like.(For example,some people like history and know everything about World War II.If you told a "normal person" to memorize all these facts,they would never do it.) We know you may not love learning English.And even if you love it,you will sometimes not want to do it.This is how human psychology works — sometimes we are so lazy,bored,and tired that we don't want to do even the things that we like.Here is what you can do when you don't feel like learning English:Imagine yourself in the future Imagine you can talk to native speakers just like you talk in your first language.Imagine other people wanting to speak English as well as you do.Imagine the possibility of writing e-mail to people from all over the world.You should know that it is possible to learn English really well.Just look at other people who have done it.Remember that you are already good You already know some English (you're reading an article in English right now).That's a big success!Now it's time for more successes.