TPO12阅读 TPO12 第二篇阅读第五题:5.Paragraph 2suggests which of the following about Eisenstein’s film The BattleshipPotemkirf?○The film was notaccompanied by sound before its Berlin screening.○The film wasunpopular in the Soviet Union before it was screened in Berl


TPO12 第二篇阅读第五题:5.Paragraph 2suggests which of the following about Eisenstein’s film The BattleshipPotemkirf?○The film was notaccompanied by sound before its Berlin screening.○The film wasunpopular in the Soviet Union before it was screened in Berlin.○Eisenstein’sfilm was the first instance of collaboration between a director and a composer.○Eisenstein believed that the musical score in a film was asimportant as dialogue.原句是:In Berlin,for the premiere performanceoutside the Soviet Union of The Battleship Potemkin,film director SergeiEisenstein worked with Austrian composer Edmund Meisel (1874-1930) on a musicalscore matching sound to image; the Berlin screenings with live music helped tobring the film its wide international fame.不懂为什么答案是A.原文只是说这个performance是第一次上演,并没有说导演和和作曲家是第一次合作啊.请问到底怎么解释好呢?
题目问Eisenstein’s film The BattleshipPotemkirf,所以只看In Berlin, for the premiere performance outside the Soviet Union of The Battleship Potemkin, film director Sergei Eisenstein worked with Austri... 题目问Eisenstein’s film The BattleshipPotemkirf,所以只看In Berlin, for the premiere performance outside the Soviet Union of The Battleship Potemkin, film director Sergei Eisenstein worked with Austri...