英语翻译你们好 .这里是服务台失物招领中心,有旅客拾获XX ,另在B1座上拾获XX 尚待领取的还有 XX 、XX 、XX...请遗失的旅客迅速至本处领回 ,若逾期无人认领 ,我们将全部移交过期仓库储存.
你们好 .
这里是服务台失物招领中心,有旅客拾获XX ,另在B1座上拾获XX
尚待领取的还有 XX 、XX 、XX...
请遗失的旅客迅速至本处领回 ,若逾期无人认领 ,我们将全部移交过期仓库储存.
Here is the Lost&Found Center of Customer Service Desk,someone lost his/her xx in the Seat No.B1 picked by our passenger,and there are some other items need to be taken xx,xx.xx...
The one who lost his/her items,please go to the desk ASAP,otherwise,we'll turn in all of them as the expiry storing in the warehouse.
Here is the Lost&Found Center of Customer Service Desk,someone lost his/her xx in the Seat No.B1 picked by our passenger,and there are some other items need to be taken xx,xx.xx...
The one who lost his/her items,please go to the desk ASAP,otherwise,we'll turn in all of them as the expiry storing in the warehouse.