英语作文。 不要逐句翻译,适当发挥。TOM以前从未上学迟到过,但昨天他上学迟到了。当他起床的时候,已经快七点了。他匆忙洗漱完,没吃早饭就去学校了。由于骑的太快了,不小心摔倒了,幸亏伤的不重,当她到学校的时候,已经耽误了一节课。


英语作文。 不要逐句翻译,适当发挥。
Tom had never been late for school, but he did yesterday. When we woke up it was nearly 7 o'clock. He rushed to the bathroom and brushed his teeth in a hurry. Then he went to school without even having his breakfast. But unfortunately he rode his bike too fast and fell. Luckily though, he wasn't hurt badly. When he arrived at school, he already missed a class.
What a day for our poor Tom!
Tom had never been late for school, but he did yesterday. When we woke up it was nearly 7 o'clock. He rushed to the bathroom and brushed his teeth in a hurry. Then he went to school without even having his breakfast. But unfortunately he rode his bike too fast and fell. Luckily though, he wasn't hurt badly. When he arrived at school, he already missed a class.
What a day for our poor Tom!