请高手点拨此篇托福作文提纲People buy things not because they need them,but because others buy them.像此种论述型题目我都不太会写,有哪位高手、牛人能给点儿思路或者提纲(中文英文均可)?这种论述型文章有没有模版呢,可以分享一下么?有此类文章的模板吗?


People buy things not because they need them,but because others buy them.
concentrate on "Brand",you can talk about Marketing,eg.Clothes,Shoes or make-ups.suppose that you are a area manager and company want you to build up a new shoes brand,how do you do marketing?what's your target?man,women or children?if you chosse women,why,because there is comparison between every single woman,(Woman A got LV handbag from her husband,Woman B will definitly buy one,not because of she needs that,she will say:my husband loves me too.
Wo zhe yang shuo ni ming bai le me peng you ...yi qian wo ye xie guo zhe yang de wen zhang ,xiao guo hai bu cuo ...xu yao shen me bang zhu jiu lian xi wo ...
concentrate on "Brand",you can talk about Marketing,eg.Clothes,Shoes or make-ups.suppose that you are a area manager and company want you to build up a new shoes brand,how do you do marketing?what's your target?man,women or children?if you chosse women,why,because there is comparison between every single woman,(Woman A got LV handbag from her husband,Woman B will definitly buy one,not because of she needs that,she will say:my husband loves me too.
Wo zhe yang shuo ni ming bai le me peng you ...yi qian wo ye xie guo zhe yang de wen zhang ,xiao guo hai bu cuo ...xu yao shen me bang zhu jiu lian xi wo ...