假设你叫李明 是一名高三学生。高考已经临近 你最近对本年级的100名同学(男女各半)的报考择业志向作了一次调查 请将调查结果(如下图所示)用英语写一份报告给某中学英文报编辑。 注意:1.报告应包括图表所示全部内容(不用标明数据 只概述情况); 2.词数100左右; 3.词汇提示:make a survey作调查


假设你叫李明 是一名高三学生。高考已经临近 你最近对本年级的100名同学(男女各半)的报考择业志向作了一次调查 请将调查结果(如下图所示)用英语写一份报告给某中学英文报编辑。

注意:1.报告应包括图表所示全部内容(不用标明数据 只概述情况);


3.词汇提示:make a survey作调查

Dear Editor I’m a Senior 3 student.My name is Li Ming.Recently I have made a survey among 50 boys and 50 girls.The result of the survey is as follows:What the boys like to do is to become businessmen and scientists.Only a few boys want to be teachers.It is interesting that the number of boys and girls who want to become doctors is equal.As for lawyers more boys expect to have this job.However there are still students who are not clear about their future. 解析: 本篇文章要求写一份调查报告 所反映的现在的事实应用一般现在时 以第一人称的口吻。文章要求所写的报告应包括图表所示全部内容(不用标明数据 只概述情况)。 写作要点:(1)自我介绍; (2)调查的对象、目的、内容; (3)调查结果(注意男生和女生对择业志向的差异)。
Dear Editor I’m a Senior 3 student.My name is Li Ming.Recently I have made a survey among 50 boys and 50 girls.The result of the survey is as follows:What the boys like to do is to become businessmen and scientists.Only a few boys want to be teachers.It is interesting that the number of boys and girls who want to become doctors is equal.As for lawyers more boys expect to have this job.However there are still students who are not clear about their future. 解析: 本篇文章要求写一份调查报告 所反映的现在的事实应用一般现在时 以第一人称的口吻。文章要求所写的报告应包括图表所示全部内容(不用标明数据 只概述情况)。 写作要点:(1)自我介绍; (2)调查的对象、目的、内容; (3)调查结果(注意男生和女生对择业志向的差异)。