书面表达(20分)请根据以下提示写一篇100字左右的短文描述一下你的好朋友 内容要点如下:John学习勤奋,物理成绩优秀,乐于帮助需要帮助的人。非常喜欢旅游,去过很多景点。喜欢自己动手制作 并阅读了很多有关DIY的书。上周日是妈妈的生日,他自己制作了一些纸玫瑰,虽然看起来不是很好看,但妈妈很开心。他是野生动物俱乐部的一员,他认为许多动物都处于险境,大家应该采取措施保护它们,因为 ---- (自由发挥一句)      



请根据以下提示写一篇100字左右的短文描述一下你的好朋友 内容要点如下:



喜欢自己动手制作 并阅读了很多有关DIY的书。上周日是妈妈的生日,他自己制作了一些纸玫瑰,虽然看起来不是很好看,但妈妈很开心。

他是野生动物俱乐部的一员,他认为许多动物都处于险境,大家应该采取措施保护它们,因为 ---- (自由发挥一句)








John is hard-working and gets good marks in physics. He is willing to help people in need.

John likes travelling. He went to many places of interest. John also likes doing DIY and reading books about DIY. Last Sunday was his mother’s birthday. He made some paper roses. They didn’t look very nice but his mother was happy.

John is a member of the Wild Animals Club. He thinks many animals are in danger. Everybody should take action to protect them because protepcting animals is just to protecting humans.

John is hard-working and gets good marks in physics. He is willing to help people in need.

John likes travelling. He went to many places of interest. John also likes doing DIY and reading books about DIY. Last Sunday was his mother’s birthday. He made some paper roses. They didn’t look very nice but his mother was happy.

John is a member of the Wild Animals Club. He thinks many animals are in danger. Everybody should take action to protect them because protepcting animals is just to protecting humans.
