英语翻译《绿野仙踪》读后感 我读了一本由莱曼·弗兰克·鲍姆编写的童话书《绿野仙踪》,这本书把我带进了童话王国,使我感受到了纯真的梦幻。书中的故事也使我有了很大的改变,我变得比以前更敢、更自信了。《绿野仙踪》以虚构的奥芝国为背景,讲述了美国堪萨斯州的小姑娘多萝茜被龙卷风卷到了一个叫孟奇金的地方,好心的女巫指点她到翡翠城去找奥芝国大术士帮忙送她回家。路上,她先后遇到了稻草人-----他需要一副脑子;铁皮樵夫-----他需要一颗心;小胆狮子-----他需要胆量。他们结伴而行,互相鼓励、互相帮助,克服了一个又一个


The wizard of oz,the feeling after reading
During the winter vacation,I read a book by Robert frank baumschulenweg lehmann compilation book of fairy tales oz,this book took me into a fairy kingdom,make me feel pure dream.The story made me have changed more than before,I become more confident and dare.
The wizard of oz cheese in the fiction of background,tells the story of Kansas,USA,dasey was little more rose to a tornado winding MengJiJin place,good witch advice to her emerald city to find arcane zhi nus warlock help drive her home.The road,she has met the scarecrow - - - - - he needed a deputy head,Ironhide woodcutter - - - - - he needed a heart,Small bile lions - - - - - he need courage.They go together,and encourage each other,help each other,overcoming the difficulties,and finally came to the city of jade.Because of their excellent performance,large warlock help them realize their wishes,scarecrow gets a deputy head,Ironhide woodcutter had a heart,Small bile lion got guts,rose,dasey also with dog toto returned to his hometown,returned to the family.
I like the wizard of oz,it lets me have a good friend - dasey; more rose.I like the wizard of oz,it brings me happiness,I like the wizard of oz,it gives me courage,I like the wizard of oz!
The wizard of oz,the feeling after reading
During the winter vacation,I read a book by Robert frank baumschulenweg lehmann compilation book of fairy tales oz,this book took me into a fairy kingdom,make me feel pure dream.The story made me have changed more than before,I become more confident and dare.
The wizard of oz cheese in the fiction of background,tells the story of Kansas,USA,dasey was little more rose to a tornado winding MengJiJin place,good witch advice to her emerald city to find arcane zhi nus warlock help drive her home.The road,she has met the scarecrow - - - - - he needed a deputy head,Ironhide woodcutter - - - - - he needed a heart,Small bile lions - - - - - he need courage.They go together,and encourage each other,help each other,overcoming the difficulties,and finally came to the city of jade.Because of their excellent performance,large warlock help them realize their wishes,scarecrow gets a deputy head,Ironhide woodcutter had a heart,Small bile lion got guts,rose,dasey also with dog toto returned to his hometown,returned to the family.
I like the wizard of oz,it lets me have a good friend - dasey; more rose.I like the wizard of oz,it brings me happiness,I like the wizard of oz,it gives me courage,I like the wizard of oz!