英语翻译摘 要] 职业教育是我国经济社会发展的重要基础和教育工作的战略重点.近年来,职业教育虽取得了长足发展,但仍存在着认识不够,总量不足,质量不高,效益不明显,办学特色不突出等问题,职业教育整体上仍是教育的薄弱环节


摘 要] 职业教育是我国经济社会发展的重要基础和教育工作的战略重点.近年来,职业教育虽取得了长足发展,但仍存在着认识不够,总量不足,质量不高,效益不明显,办学特色不突出等问题,职业教育整体上仍是教育的薄弱环节
Summary of China's vocational education is an important economic and social development and education based on the strategic priorities. In recent years, vocational education although considerable progress has been made, but there are still not enough awareness, the total lack of low quality, and efficiency was not obvious, such as school characteristics do not highlight the issue, vocational education as a whole is still the weak link in education Summary of China's vocational education is an important economic and social development and education based on the strategic priorities. In recent years, vocational education although considerable progress has been made, but there are still not enough awareness, the total lack of low quality, and efficiency was not obvious, such as school characteristics do not highlight the issue, vocational education as a whole is still the weak link in education