10.  (2015广东深圳实验中学初中部期末) 一Most people will be if they see a creature they don't know.   —I you. I have the same feeling.   A. in fear;disagree to   B. in the wild;disagree with   C. in fear;agree with   D. in the wild;agree to


10.  (2015广东深圳实验中学初中部期末) 一Most people will be if they see a creature they don't know.

   —I you. I have the same feeling.

   A. in fear;disagree to

   B. in the wild;disagree with

   C. in fear;agree with

   D. in the wild;agree to

10. C句意:一如果看见自己不认识的生物,大部分人都会 感到害怕,——我赞同你的观点。我有同感。由句意可知 第一空意思为“害怕地;恐惧地”,用m fear;第二空意思为 “同意;赞成”,用agree with。
10. C句意:一如果看见自己不认识的生物,大部分人都会 感到害怕,——我赞同你的观点。我有同感。由句意可知 第一空意思为“害怕地;恐惧地”,用m fear;第二空意思为 “同意;赞成”,用agree with。