英语对话 用恰当的句子补全对话Excuse me ——————————————?tom has gone to new york really?————-——?he went there last week.——————————————?yes he has been there many times His uncle lives there.?He went with his parents——————————————————?for about tuo weeks


英语对话 用恰当的句子补全对话
Excuse me ——————————————?
tom has gone to new york
he went there last week.
yes he has been there many times His uncle lives there.
He went with his parents
for about tuo weeks
where is tom
when did he go there
has he ever been there before
who did he go with
how long will he stay there
where is tom
when did he go there
has he ever been there before
who did he go with
how long will he stay there