根据以下5个内容分别写一段不少于5句的英语对话(稍微简单点),亲亲们,(1)Give thanks to your hostess for a happy New Year's Party.(2)Congratulate your friend on being admitted to a nurse school.(3)Express thanks to your teacher who has been helping you.(4)Apologize for not being able to of


(1)Give thanks to your hostess for a happy New Year's Party.
(2)Congratulate your friend on being admitted to a nurse school.
(3)Express thanks to your teacher who has been helping you.
(4)Apologize for not being able to offer help to a friend of yours.
(5)Express gegret for making a careless mistake.
【1】A:I am so glad that you invited me to your party.B:My pleasure.A:l really had a good time.Thank you so much.B:You are welcome.See you.A:l'll see you aroud.[2]A;l heard that you have been admitted... 【1】A:I am so glad that you invited me to your party.B:My pleasure.A:l really had a good time.Thank you so much.B:You are welcome.See you.A:l'll see you aroud.[2]A;l heard that you have been admitted...